The following book review appeared in the January 1993 issue of the
American Management Association newsletter,
Industry Forum
Book Alert
Beaumont, Leland.
ISO 9001, The Standard Companion
This manual by Leland Beaumont attempts to decode the most popularly used standard, the ISO 9001.
In his 16-page manual, Beaumont uses his experience in preparing his organization for registration to explain, step-by-step, how to interpret and implement the requirements of ISO 9001.
The gargantuan list of requirements is made comprehensive with Beaumont's workbook style approach. His manual shows how the requirements can be translated into each function within the company, be it management; design control; document control; purchasing; product identification; inspection and testing; corrective action; handling, storage, packaging and delivery; quality records and audits; or training.
Beaumont never fails to explain the validity of taking each step and pinpoints clauses from ISO 9001 standards that state what the requirements are at each stage.
Leland R. Beaumont is Head of Engineering Process Improvement of AT&T Paradyne and has spent a year bringing ISO 9001 compliance to his organization. He is a member of the American Society for Quality Control and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. For copies of his manual, write to Simply Quality, PO Box 21, Middletown, NJ 07748.