Business Strategy Design & Implementation for CEOs and Senior Management($219.95 only!) Links to ISO 9001:2008 specific courses: ISO 9000:2008 course, ISO 9000:2008 Auditor course. Link to the certification consulting information. This is the ideal course for the CEO, Executive, other senior management team member, or corporate development department (strategy) staff who must design the vision for the company and chart the course and strategy for the management team to follow. It is critical for CEOs, executives, and key managers to be able to think strategically and design strategy for the business; this helps the CEO, executives, and other senior managers to stay aligned and make the right strategic choices. Executives and managers who are strategic thinkers can be more valuable to their company and critical for strategy design and execution; the strategic knowledge and methodology contained in this course can help to multiply revenue, reduce costs, deepen market penetration, and ultimately strengthen company competitiveness. This course was designed by expert partner-level management consultants with an average 15-years of experience with the top tier global strategic management consulting firms as consultants to Fortune 500 companies and financial institutions. Clients have noted that
this is a great complement to an "MBA in strategy" as this course tends
to be more practical, less theoretical, concise, powerful, and has been
tested in real the real world at some of the worlds largest companies and
banks to increase competitiveness. The approaches and frameworks
shown in this course can be applied immediately to real strategy and operational
issues at companies. A concise, practical, powerful strategy design
and implementation methodology like this one is not available in any book
or publication. This methodology focuses on putting in place the
right strategy, capabilities, and enablers (organization, processes, technology,
and metrics). It contains advanced management consulting style charts,
graphs, and frameworks. Many companies make the mistake of implementing
the enablers before designing the strategy. As a result, the wrong
organization, processes, technologies, and metrics (enablers) might ironically
be implemented "consistently and company-wide in a high quality way".
-Are you interested
in learning world-class best practice methodology which will help increase
your value to your company and help you think strategically? Do you
need to develop a competitive strategy for your company? -Is the vision and strategy
for your company unclear or possibly in need of further enhancement?
Are you uncertain if you have the correct organization design, processes,
technology, and performance metrics needed to successfully execute the
business strategy?
-Are you starting a new
business, a new division of the company, or expanding into new markets/product
-Is your company restructuring
or implementing quality programs but so far not seeing desired results?
-Have you noticed that legacy
processes, policies, and organization structures at your company don't
change although they seem inadequate, out of date, or inconsistent with
the business strategy?
If your answers to any
of the above questions are yes, then this is a great course for you.
This course covers world-class
best practice Strategy Development & Implementation and is a stepping
stone to acquiring the knowledge needed to help direct company strategy,
operations, organization, technology, and performance management, and is
structured as follows:
Business Strategy Design
& Implementation for CEOs and Senior Management
companies and banks are using this online course/
Harrison M., EVP, Medium-sized global electronics manufacturer
"Thank you for the training.
It was really helpful and powerful. Since all of our departments
have gone through this training, we can benefit from this experience and
methodology. It will help us to make the company more competitive
in the market. I can see that my management team has learned a lot
and we should apply it to how we execute our business."
Edward H., EVP, A top 5 bank and one of the largest credit card issuers
"We have all benefited from
going through the rigor of this strategy methodology. My management
team should implement the business as has been shown here. I endorse
this approach for our company."
Chairman H., A top 5 regional bank
"The methodology and approaches
shown here are very powerful and convincing. We have implemented
the brand positioning methodology shown with great success. We acquired
an insurance company and re-branded it according to the brand aspiration
framework and strategic positioning diagram. After much effort, we
produced a branding campaign which was aligned with our business strategy.
Ultimately, we were recognized as the winner of a global brand competition
among all country CMOs."
Steve O., CMO, A top 3 European-based multi-national financial services
"These methodologies and
frameworks are very powerful. It has shown us a new way of thinking.
It has resulted in enhancements to our value proposition and strengthening
of the functionality of our product. We like the rigorous strategy
Founder, A top 5 internet web analytics company
"The methodology and analytical
approaches shown do get to the right answer. That's what we found
after having applied it to our business. The tough part was informing
the senior management team of the severity of the problem our company had
because they were tired of hearing bad news. The methodology accurately
forecasted losses under our old strategy. We might have avoided the
some losses if we adopted these approaches sooner."
Doug, Senior Risk Manager, A top 10 U.S. national bank's mortgage division
"This has created a lot
of value for our bank. We just received an offer for $600 million
for our credit card division. After implementing the strategy frameworks
for 3 years, we have come from almost nothing to a sizable business with
good value. We also now have one of the better-known credit cards
in our market. Profitability for this division is also now stronger
than that for all other divisions of the bank. Thank you."
Yumi H., EVP, A top 10 regional bank
"The approaches shown helped
us tie together our affiliate companies with a better strategy. We
were able to develop a product which features benefits and a loyalty program
covering customer purchases at all our group companies. We now look
at the customer relationship across the group instead of for just one product.
This has driven cross-selling and also very high response rates on our
direct mail drops due to our ability now to target prospects more effectively
and design more relevant offers. We even had to stop one direct mail
campaign because the response rate was so high!"
Chairman Douglas H., A top 5 financial services company
"I really like the strategy
pyramid. This is a great way to represent it and I wonder if you
wouldn't mind if I use this with my management team. I think you
guys did a terrific job in putting this methodology together."
Michael W., CMO, one of the largest nation-wide mortgage companies
in the U.S.
User instructions: Upon
registration using Visa, America Express, or MasterCard
you will receive an invoice, and an Email notification
with the password and link to login and take the class.
PO and DD 1556 purchases are available for corporate and Federal Government
accounts; fax the PO to (509) 756-6053.
If you register
multiple users you will receive a password for each one
of them. To take the
training: -Even
if your connection is slow, do not click on buttons such
as "Submit", "Login" or
"Score" twice. Contact us for assistance in your implementation at Email: User Links:
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