Frequently Asked Questions About ISO 9000

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Q: What is QS-9000

A: QS-9000 is a set of Quality System requirements recently adopted by members of the automotive industry. In September 1994 Ford Chrysler and General Motors announced that QS-9000 would immediately replace all previous supplier quality programs. Several heavy truck manufacturer's also adopted the QS-9000 standard.

Q: How is QS-9000 related to ISO 9000?

A: The QS-9000 Quality System requirements are divided into three sections. Section 1: Common requirements, includes the exact text of ISO 9001 with the addition of automotive / heavy trucking requirements. Section 2: Additional Requirements, includes requirements beyond the scope of ISO 9001, common to all three manufacturers. Section 3: Customer Specific Sections, contains requirements unique to either Ford, General Motors, or Chrysler.

Q: Is Registration to ISO 9001 sufficient to achieve registration to QS 9000?

A: Each of "The Big Three" US automobile manufacturers requirements for QS-9000 requires that:

"Suppliers registered to an ISO 9000 standard without consideration of QS-9000 requirements shall contact their registrar and indicate that their customer(s) require(s) inclusion of QS-9000 in the registration process. The supplier shall update the quality system... to meet QS-9000. When conformance with QS-9000 has been verified, the registrar will issue a certificate citing conformance with QS-9000. Only registration certificates citing conformance to QS-9000 will be acceptable to the companies using this [QS-9000] document."

The minimum seven documents one will need for the QS-9000 program are:

  1. QS-9000 Quality System Requirements
  2. Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan (APQP)
  3. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  4. Measurement Systems Analysis
  5. Fundamental SPC
  6. Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) manual, and
  7. the Quality System Assessment (QSA) manual.

Q: How can I learn more about QS-9000:

A: For those who are interested in QS-9000 information/training, please contact the International Automotive Sector Group