Frequently Asked Questions About ISO 9000

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Q: Should I use ISO 9001 or ISO 9002?

A: The year 2000 revision of the standard has made this question moot because the only standard used for third party registration is ISO 9001:2000. Section 1.2 (Application) of that standard allows the organization to exclude certain sections that may not pertain to the organization.

Under the 1994 scheme, the two standards were nearly identical. Choose ISO 9001 if your organization carries out the innovative design of products or services, otherwise, choose ISO 9002. The only difference in the standards' requirements is in section 4.4 "Design Control." This section is required in ISO 9001 and is "not applicable" in ISO 9002. Any description or interpretation of ISO 9001 pertains equally to ISO 9002, ignoring section 4.4.

Here are more details pertaining to the 1994 version of the standards:


ISO 9001 is named " Quality System - Model for quality assurance in design / development, production, installation and servicing."

ISO 9002 is named " Quality System - Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing."


ISO 9001 applies in situations when:

a) design is required and the product requirements are stated principally in performance terms, or they need to be established, and

b) confidence in product conformance can be attained by adequate demonstration of a supplier's capabilities in design, development, production, installation and servicing.

ISO 9002 applies in situations when:

a) the specified requirements for product are stated in terms of an established design or specification, and

b) confidence in product conformance can be attained by adequate demonstration of a supplier's capabilities in production, installation and servicing.