ISO 9001: The Standard Interpretation
The 128-page book "ISO 9001 The Standard Interpretation", includes the full
text of the 1994 version of the ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Standard. Written by a
trained ISO 9001 auditor who has led a successful compliance effort, it contains practical
advice on the application of the Standard and identifies pitfalls to avoid. Each section
of the Standard is introduced with an illustration of its required elements. For each
paragraph of the Standard it also provides:
- a translation of the paragraph into plain English,
- a discussion including notes and examples of the best or most common practice to use in
carrying out the Standard, and
- a checklist of questions representative of those asked by an auditor.
The book also includes:
- a calendar for the compliance process,
- a suggested assignment of department responsibilities for compliance,
- a discussion of the scope of registration,
- advice on choosing a registration agency,
- a detailed description of the changes made to the Standard in 1994,
- hints on writing procedures documents,
- recommended reading,
- a comparison of ISO 9001 and ISO 9002,
- a comparison of ISO 9001 and Total Quality Management,
- a bibliography, glossary, index and more.
The Standard Interpretation Provides:
- the complete text of the 1994 version of the ISO 9001 Standard,
- a clear explanation of the Standard in easy to understand terms,
- a complete step-by-step guide to interpreting and implementing the requirements of ISO
- an audit checklist, and
- a one page summary of the Standard, providing a structure for understanding its scope.
It is easy to read, complete, authoritative and very economical. This second edition is
fully updated to the 1994 version of the Standard.
"It could very well be the only implementation tool you require for ISO
registration" - Rosemarie Romanelli, RJR Quality
Only $19.95 each book plus $2 shipping per order within North America. Satisfaction
Simply Quality
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