Praise for ISO 9001: The Standard Interpretation

Published by Simply Quality

". . . the book is great . . . We found your Interpretation to be very helpful in bringing the rest of the team up to speed on understanding the standard." -- Shelly Grahek, Planar Systems, Inc.

"The book does an excellent job of presenting and interpreting the ISO 9001 standard and could serve as a text for training within a company." -- Norman C. Frank, CER Corporation

"I particularly think the figures are outstanding and will be very helpful in promoting the understanding of ISO 9001. I haven't seen anything like this in our industry. . . . Your 'Concepts of a Process' is a good illustration, especially with the examples. The 'Hints on Writing Procedure Documents' is very comprehensive and lays out, from the start, the entire plan and rationale to be used for an organization to focus on process." -- Rosemarie J. Romanelli, RJR Quality

"I found ISO 9001, The Standard Interpretation a unique and easy way to understand the Standard elements. This is one book that all levels of personnel can benefit from. As one who has developed courses on ISO 9000 and taught personnel from over 125 companies in the Northeast, I plan to tell future companies about it." -- Jerry Lieberman, Principal, Quality Management Consultancy, Inc.